
John Gorka interview (part 1 and 2)

"Het Nutshuis" The Hague, the Netherlands..... 20 minutes, may 31, 2009




Part one of the John Gorka interview: 10 minutes about his new CD, his musical taste and you can
see a part of "Gypsy life" with Ricky Koole live at the Private Party in The Hague, may 31, 2009.

Part two of the John Gorka interview: John talked about his family life......


If you want to see an other John Gorka video session made for this website, click
on one of the photolinks...



If you like these page you might be interested in the houseconcert in The Hague oct 25, 2008 and the
Private concert in "Het Nutshuis" in The Hague
(may31, 2009)



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