.................................................................................................John Gorka videoclips
..................................................................................................................................... ......................................................Tour in the Netherlands 2008

October 23, Live in Bakkeveen October 24, VPRO Radio, Hilversum October 24 Live in Lage Vuursche

John live in "De Slotplaats", photo: Willem Leeuwenhoek

John at VPRO studio, photo: Willem Leeuwenhoek John at " in the woods", photo Jos van Vliet

From october 23 til October 26 John Gorka did a short tour in the Netherlands. He did three concerts, a radioshow, a recording session for this video site, and a houseconcert.
On October 23 John started his tour with a concert in De Slotplaats (venue capacity: 75). The name of the little village is called Bakkeveen. On this page you can see 20 (!!) video clips from this concert (scroll down).
On October 24 John went to Hilversum to the VPRO studio. On Radio 6 John Gorka performed live in the
Cantina radioshow with host Leo Blokhuis.
In the evening John played In the woods .(venue capacity: 120) in Lage Vuursche.
From the Lage Vuursche concert you can see two songs and there is also a review from that show. On October 25 John played five songs in front of 2 cameras for the John Gorka video site sessions. Later that day John did a House Concert in the same house.for Peter ter Horst and Willem Leeuwenhoek (click on the names and you will see four songs). On sunday 26, 2008 John played in the biggest venue of that week Perron55 (capacity: 280) in Venlo. It was a great week for the Dutch John Gorka fans!!


October 25, Video Site Session in The Hague October 25, The Houseconcert in The Hague October 26 Live in Venlo
John recording for this site, photo: Willem Leeuwenhoek John doing the houseconcert, photo Jos van Vliet John live at "Perron 55", photo Peter Pricken


John Gorka live at
Muziekpodium Bakkeveen,
Oct. 23, 2008

Thanks Maureen Jacobs for recording
these four songs

Maureen with John in Bakkeveen

Writing In The Margins ... ... >






Let them in .>





Love Is Our Cross To Bear .>









People My Age .>










Live at Bakkeveen
the Netherlands
October 23, 2008
These 16 videos were also made in Bakkeveen. They were filmed by Suze Rill. She came all the way from Greece to the Netherlands to see John....

Italian Girls .. >




Suze with John in Bakkeveen

Silence (plus introduction).. >







If I Could Forget To Breathe .. >






I Saw A Stranger With Your Hair .. >










I'm from New Jersey .. >











Gypsy Life .. >









Good Noise .. >









Armed With A Broken Heart .. >  




Raven In The Storm, .. >  




Land Of The Bottom Line .. >  




Blue Chalk .. >




Jack's Crow ... .. >




Like my Watch .. >




Unblindfold the Referee. >




Snow Don't Fall.. >




Where no monument stands.. >
For this song John Gorka was inspired by a William Stafford poem,
it was the last song of the Bakkeveen concert.


Live at "In the Woods"
Lage Vuursche , the Netherlands
October 24, 2008
Thanks Bert Gazendam for these two clips and photo.

Bert and John (at Falcon Ridge Folk Festival 2004)
That's Why .. >

John Gorka live at Bakkeveen (photo Bert Gazendam)

Broken Place .. >




Click here to see four songs of the House Concert that took place in The Hague on October 25, 2008



Live at Perron 55
Venlo, the Netherlands
October 26, 2008
I would like to thank Gert-Jan & Marianne from Koedijk (the Netherlands) for this video.

Marianne and John in Bakkeveen
Chance of Rain.. >


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