

True in Time

Song Review: John Gorka - True in Time | Kristopher Weiss, January 15, 2018

John Gorka leaves his humor at home on the title track from his forthcoming album. “True in Time" is a pensive look back, a pensive look at the present and a pensive look at the future. It was written in the wake of the 2016 deaths of Carrie Fisher and her mother, Debbie Reynolds, within days of each other, Gorka said on his website.

If what is true can change with every minute/then how can we believe and have faith in it?, he sings on a live video of the song he made in the Hague in October 2017 and released Jan. 10.

The album version presumably is more perfect and more fully developed than this solo-acoustic preview. Give Gorka credit for not fixing a couple of botched guitar notes and his cracking voice - their presence gives the performance added credibility.

It’s a quintessential folk song - a truth that makes it appealing to hard-core folkies and less so to those drawn to Gorka for the smart, comedic songwriting that sets him apart from other folk singers. True in Time, Gorka’s 15th album, is out Jan. 19. 2018.

Grade card: John Gorka - “True in Time” - C 1/15/18 .


©2017 Sound Bytes January, 15, 2018

